Most manufactures now add creative support which goes beyond the normal firmware updates, to tools to make the use of their hardware a great experience.
Taking a closer look at the Native-Instrument Komplet Kontrol M32 and the music production bundle that comes bundled for the user, one can not but say that it is not just a smart controller but a creative tool for creatives straight from the get go with the bundle that comes with it.
With the Native-Instrument Komplet Kontrol M32, how do you get to maximise the over 6000 sounds and 10GB of content?
But first let’s get to know what are bundled with this hardware.
With these add-ons you should be able to create great content from the get go.
So how do you get to access these add-ons than through the NATIVE ACCESS PORTAL.
Every registered user will be able to have access to additional sounds and content for production through the Native Access.
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